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Mission and Vision

Mission Statement:

Our Mission at Gordon H. Beatty Middle School is to educate, motivate, and inspire students to achieve academic success and become productive global citizens.At Beatty, we are creating…

A Culture for Learning

At our school we believe all students can learn and can learn at high levels.

Students will become productive global citizens by emphasizing proficiency in the areas of technology, interpersonal communication, and critical thinking. 

Our school is a place where students are motivated through real world, 21st century experiences. 

A Rigorous Curriculum

Students will engage in meaningful learning experiences that promote critical thinking skills and innovative solutions.

Systematic, rigorous, and organized instruction will utilize technology to facilitate communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.

Equity and Access for all Students

Our school will ensure mastery of essential skills for all students and facilitate small group instructional settings to ensure students succeed. 

We will lay the foundation for student success by teaching the value of perseverance. 

A Professional Learning Community

Our school uses common formative and summative assessment to guide student learning and ensure instructional effectiveness.

Teacher collaboration will focus on the use of educational research to identify instructional strategies that best meet the unique needs of all students.

Community Engagement in Learning

Our school will facilitate opportunities for parents, educators, and the community to partner together to encourage students to become geographically and culturally aware as well as display civic responsibility.